Thursday, October 31, 2019

Management Information System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Management Information System - Essay Example The server-side hardware includes computers such as the server PCs for the actual engagement in the information system application. There should be the server PCs that functions in running of the servers such as the web and the database server (Laudon & Laudon, 2000). The last category of PCs is the ordinary office computer that is used in the regulation of the application development situation (Gupta, 2011). The network operating system is necessary for the management of software, hardware as well as the network users (Jawadekar, 2013). The most preferable operating system in a PC networking region is Windows NT operating system. The installation of NT server must be in the server-type PCs whilst the NT client, or the Windows 97/98 must be installed in the alternate computers (Gupta, 2011). In this context, the latter PC is ordinarily a member faculty’s PC that is to be used in the management of the database and web servers (Gupta, 2011). The web server is one of the most cri tical software on which the success of MIS depend on. The server determines the presence of the information system to the user. The program should be installed in the computer that runs the NT server (Jawadekar, 2013). For instance, the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) is the most suitable software as it incorporates other packages such as the NT (Gupta, 2011). The client side requires regular office computers and the network infrastructure. The computers are used in the running of software and retrieval of the authorized information from the database and the webpages. The network infrastructure includes routers, switches as well as the antennas used in the provision of network to the computers (Jawadekar, 2013).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Impact of Radiation After Hiroshima Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Impact of Radiation After Hiroshima - Essay Example Mrs. Nakamura's hair begins to fall out, and she and her daughter become ill. At the same time, Mr. Tanimoto, weak and feverish, becomes bedridden. Miss Sasaki is transferred to the Red Cross Hospital in Hiroshima and placed under the care of Dr. Sasaki. Dr. Sasaki notices small hemorrhages all over her bare skin, a mysterious symptom many of his patients are beginning to show. He later discovers that this is the result of her low white-blood cell count, another symptom of radiation sickness. Dr. Fujii is living at a friend's house in nearby Fukawa and is beginning to treat patients again," ("Hiroshima", p.1). From an individual standpoint, the dropping of the atomic bomb would not be the only traumatic thing that the survivors would have to endure for however long. In that respect, survivors would also have to suffer the ramifications of radiation poisoning. Often times used as a treatment option for those suffering from cancer, exposure to radiation can have very harsh results, not just for the diseases that its meant to kill, but also the surrounding internal system of the person. Since every individual person is different, their levels of being able to recover from radiation exposure can be drastically different, but equally as intense. For the citizens of Hiroshima, there would be short term, as well as lo

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Brine Shrimp Hatching Experiment

Brine Shrimp Hatching Experiment Wherever salt water is evaporated on a large scale, or salt lakes develop, brine shrimp will eventually appear. How do they get there? Certain birds visit salt waters   shorebirds such as gulls and stilts, for example. Could they transport the adult brine shrimp or eggs? Could brine shrimp eggs travel by wind? An interesting fact to remember is that although brine shrimp grow very well under artificial conditions, brine shrimp are not found in the open ocean. This is because the brine shrimps only defense mechanism against predators (fish and other invertebrates) is hyper-saline bodies of water. For this reason, brine shrimp have developed the most efficient osmo-regulatory system in the animal kingdom. Ask the pupils to provide an explanation of why brine shrimp are present only in salt ponds and soda lakes and not in the ocean. Use a glass container as a hatching tank for the brine shrimp, either a wide-mouth quart jar or a shallow glass pan at least two inches deep (this will work best). Fill the container with one quart of salt-water solution: mix 1 to1-1/2 teaspoons of sea salt mixture or non-iodized table salt per cup of bottled water. (If you want to use tap water, let it sit for an hour so the chlorine settles. You can also use rock or aquarium salt.) The shrimp will die in salt water that is either too weak or too strong. Sprinkle about one sixteenth of a teaspoon of brine shrimp eggs into the dish: you dont need to cover more than one square inch on the surface of the water. Leave the container in a room where bright sunlight can reach it. Your brine shrimp should start hatching in just 24 hours! The shrimp will live 1-3 days without food. If you want to keep them longer for a more in-depth study, feed them a very tiny amount of yeast a few grains as needed. You might also need to change the water occasionally, if it gets cloudy. Clean out unhatched eggs from the top of the container, which will allow more oxygen to get into the water. Observing Brine Shrimp You can study your brine shrimp close up with a magnifying glass, stereo microscope, or compound microscope. Use a pipet or medicine dropper to catch some of the shrimp and transfer them with sufficient water into a petri dish for easy observation. Look at them closely with low power (10-30x) magnification. What parts of the brine shrimp can you identify? What are their swimming habits? Eating habits? How do they use their phyllopods? How do they respond to light? If you can, compare the larval stage with the adult stage. Keep track of your observations in a notebook and include sketches of the shrimp. Learn about the effects of the surrounding conditions on brine shrimp! To start, test the pH level in the brine shrimps tank water: ideal conditions are a pH of around 8, but no lower than 5 and no higher than 10. Use pH paper for the test. To raise the pH level in the tank, add a little bit of baking soda. Discover more with a project where you change the tank environment by adding pollutants. Transfer about an equal number of brine shrimp to several petri dishes to be your test samples. Try adding 1-3 drops of a different solution to the water in each petri dish: vegetable oil, soap, vinegar, ammonia, or anything else that comes to mind. Observe the samples at low power magnification and record whats going on. How do the pollutants affect the sample? Is there a difference visible in twenty minutes? One hour? Three? How might you counteract the pollutants? You can also try hatching several batches of shrimp at a time, using different hatchery conditions for each batch. Fill 3-4 petri dishes with different solutions: you might use plain tap water, water with a low pH (acidic), and regular salt water to be the control that you can compare the results to. Before you start, hypothesize which solution will have the best results and which will have the worst. Sprinkle a small amount of eggs into each dish. After 24 hours, check on the dishes again. Has anything happened? What are the results after 48 hours? 72 hours? Use a magnifying glass for your observations, and make sketches. Were you right about which solutions would work best and worst? How do you think factors such as temperature (colder or warmer) or more or less light might affect the hatching success rate of the brine shrimp? PROBLEM STATEMENT What is the total number of successful hatching of brine shrimp? HYPOTHESIS The number of hatching is the most at the temperature of 30 à Ã‚ ¦ C. number of hatching is the lowest at 34 à Ã‚ ¦ C. VARIABLES Manipulated: temperature of incubation Responding: number of eggs hatch Fix: concentration of salt solution, number of eggs APPARATUS AND MATERIALS Brine shrimp cysts, 25ml salt, 100cm ³ dechlorinated water, 40cm ³ beaker of salt water, 100cm ³ beakers, water baths of temperature 30 à Ã‚ ¦ C and 34 à Ã‚ ¦ C, stirring rod, forceps, pipette, microscope,  ¼ saptula of eggs PROCEDURE Place 25ml of sea salt into a 100cm ³ beaker. 100cm ³ of de-chlorinated water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved. The beaker is labeled with the group name, class and the temperature in which it will be tested.  ¼ saptula of eggs is added into the beaker. Placed the beaker in incubator of temperature 30 à Ã‚ ¦ C, 34 à Ã‚ ¦ C and at room temperature. The cysts are left for one night. On the following day, the cysts is calculated. Stir the solution containing the cysts gently to make sure they are evenly distributed. 0.5 cm ³ of the solution is pipetted and put into Petri dish. Calculate the total amount of the cysts which is hatched and unhatched at all temperature under light microscope. The experiment is repeated three times to get the average value of the amount calculated. all the values calculated is multiplied by 50 to get the total amount of brine shrimp in 25ml of solution. DISCUSSION According to the tabulated data above, total cysts hatched is the highest at temperature of 30 à Ã‚ ¦ C because higher temperature is needed to make the surrounding warmer and suitable for hatching. The lowest eggs hatch being recorded is at temperature of 34 à Ã‚ ¦ C because the temperature is too high. The eggs, being the enzyme might be denatured at this point and most eggs do not hatch. There are more eggs that has not been hatch compared to those which has hatch. This might be due to the short term experiment. The eggs are allowed to soak in the solution for only a day and most of them have not hatch yet. Conducting this experiment has risen up a few conflict and ethical issue. The cysts which has and has not hatched will be thrown after the experiment end. For public, it is not ethical to kill animal which is still alive and used as a study purpose. Although they are tiny but they do play their part in food chain. They dont have right to live freely as other organism do. But, for scientists, conducting an experiment on them may bring good advantages to human. Human will get the beneficiary as new medicine and discovery is discovered without involving any human life in the research. People doesnt put too much attention when small animal like bribe shrimp is used in the experiment. LIMITATION The size of brine shrimp eggs are too small and almost impossible to be counted manually. Hence, only  ¼ spatula of the eggs are used in approximation. But there is limitation in using approximation. The number of cysts used is not the same in each test tubes makes the result. This makes the result less reliable. A larger number of cysts is needed because the results of experiment may vary and by using big group of sample, the result may be more reliable. There might be some mistakes while calculating the number of cysts that has hatched or not because the number of eggs per o.5ml is a lot and to calculate them under light microscope is almost impossible. Some students taking the number of which can be seen under lense, some takes average. The likelihood to get the real number is low. In counting the number of the eggs, the average is taken. Only 0.5ml out of 25ml is being used to be observed under the microscope. The distribution of the eggs in the solution might not be the same even after it has been stirred using glass rod. SOURCE OF ERROR The test tube which should be put under room temperature is being put in the laboratory which has air conditioner. This makes the temperature of surrounding lower than the room temperature and affect the result of experiment in making a conclusion that the earth is facing global warming. Hence, we are not sure whether or not, the room temperature has risen. Since they are too small, somehow, their hatched eggs are counted as unhatched eggs. This happens as there are no big difference in structure of the hatched and unhatched eggs. This may lead to wrong counting of the result and will affect the experiment. PRECAUTION STEP Be careful when pipetting the cysts because they are so small and might be easily get hurt. They need to be handled with care and gently. use a low light power while using microcopeas higher temperature might gives effect on the brine shrimp. CONCLUSION The hatching success of the brine shrimp is the highest at 34 à Ã‚ ¦ C

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Allocating of a ‘Named Person for Every Child in Scotland Essay

Introduction Throughout my seminar paper I will focus on the issues surrounding the governments plan to assign every child in Scotland a ‘named person'. This is one point in the Children and Young Peoples (Scotland) Bill, that parliament recently debated and passed on the 19th of February this year. The government believes the bill will promote their "ambition for Scotland to be the best place to grow up in by putting children and young people at the heart of planning and services and ensuring their rights are respected across the public sector" (Scottish Executive, 2013). To gain insight into the approach in which the ‘named person' has stemmed from I will look at the ‘Getting it right for every child' (GIRFEC) approach. I also intend to look at the purpose and role of the ‘named person' in depth as some organisations lack of clarity of the role is leading to concerns. I intend to discuss the arguments for and against the ‘named person' and the challenges this may put on integration. Throughout the paper I will discuss the government's need for every child and young person under the age of 18 to have a ‘named person' and relate it to a European policy known as ‘social pedagogy', which outlines a unique way of working with children and the foundation for policy development. GIRFEC approach The Scottish government wants all children and young people to be completely supported as they mature and develop, they believe children should be kept safe, be healthy, be given the support to achieve, be nurtured, have the opportunity to be active, be respected, be responsible, and be included. In order for practitioners to support them with these the Scottish government applied the ‘GIRFEC' national practice model in 2008, as a method... ...s state guardian trial singled out thousands of kids. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from The Scotsman. (2013). Children’s Future. Retrieved May 2, 2014, from The Telegraph. (2013). Lawyers warn against 'Big Brother' plans to give every Scottish child a state guardian. Retrieved February 27, 2014, from The Telegraph. (2014). Scottish ministers threatened with legal action over 'state guardian' plans. Retrieved February 23, 2014, from

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How the Watergate Scandal Changed Journalism Essay

Journalism has been an essential factor in making communication and information-sharing easy among people. It has been serving the purpose of delivering facts about anything of interest to the public. It is also the effective means used by the government in delivering essential news, policies, programs, and concerns, among others to the general public. Consequently, it has bridged the gap between the government and the public. Through journalism, information about things and events has been delivered to other people despite physical and physiological hindrances. Furthermore, it increases the awareness and versatility of the public with regard to public issues. In the early history of journalism, journalists are governed by law and are controlled by the government. Likewise, the contents of the materials are screened before it is released in the public. In addition, journalist is tasked to deliver only facts. However, through time, the extent of the influence of journalism has become encompassing. The role of journalist in the society has also increased overtime. Remarkably, in the popularly known Watergate Scandal, a new concept of journalism emerged. A new responsibility has been formed by the brevity of the news reporters of the Washington Post. From merely presenting facts, a journalist has gone to the extent of delivering their own opinion on a particular issue. Above all, journalism has become a critic of public figures. In the Watergate Scandal, journalism has been the influential means that moved the most powerful person to resign. Journalism was not merely focused on delivering news but has also adopted an investigative method of reporting. More importantly, journalism has eventually become a watchdog of any illegalities performed by the government officials. Hence, Watergate Scandal has remarkably become seminal in the development of journalism. History of Journalism The emergence of journalism can be traced back in the 1st century B. C. in ancient Rome through the Acta Diurna or Daily Events (Castro, n. p.). During that time, Julius Cesar ordered the posting of a handwritten news bulletins in the public spaces (Castro, n. p.). In the 750 A.D., China initiated the distribution of news bulletin (Castro, n. p.). Eventually, in the mid 15th century, the distribution of news and dissemination of information was made easier through the creation of movable metal type printer. Thus, it can be observed that in the early days, journalism was merely used by the government to disseminate information to the public. As part of the development in journalism, the purpose, extent, content, and forms of journalism has changed. Newsletters and books were introduced in some other parts of the world. On one hand, opinions of several writers were now incorporated in journalism. Journalism was found as possible means of influencing others by laying down opinions on particular issues in print. Politicians, on the other hand, discovered the enormous potential of journalism in reaching their voters and in sharing their insights and platforms. It can be observed that the development in journalism in the early days was rapid. Through the extent and influence of journalism in creating public policy and in widening public opinions, the threat was perceived. Besides, several laws possibly limiting the use of journalism have been enacted. One of the laws is libel. This was due to the danger and injury that may be created by irresponsible use of journalism. Remarkably, in America, the producer of the first newspaper, Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick, imprisoned and the publication was suppressed (Castro, n. p.). Several other publications were deterred from being published and many other journalist, news reporters, editors, and publishers were imprisoned. During those days, the struggle for press freedom was prevalent. The Watergate Scandal In the early days, politicians are being criticized and are associated with many scandals. The president, most especially, is very openly attacked by the media and the press because of the position and the public trust involved. In the American setting, the unforgettable attack by journalism on the president is the Watergate Scandal because it is the very first time in history that a president resigned from his powerful office. The Watergate issue is primarily a political scandal, which challenged the Constitution. The Watergate scandal pertains to the breaking-in of President Nixon’s men at the offices of the Democratic National Committee and the psychiatrist of Daniel Ellsberg (Berman 1329). The breaking-in was made in accordance with the order of President Nixon and his aide in order to search materials in the possession of party chairman Lawrence O’Brein (Berman 1329). Unfortunately, the men making the searches were arrested by the Washington Police Department (Berman 1329). The arrest of Nixon’s men, however, did not lead to his conviction. Further investigations led to the discovery of the illegal activities in the Oval office where President Nixon and his aides meet. The conversations were recorded. The president and his aide also tried to cover up the Watergate mess by coordinating with CIA and FBI. Further investigation showed that money laundering was involved in funding the Watergate scandal. In order for these activities to remain undiscovered, the president and his aide paid the people having involvement for their silence. However, a particular Deep Throat met with the young reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, of Washington Post and spilled the beans about the illegal activities of the President (Kobrak 71). The courageous revelation by the young reporters about the Watergate Scandal has shocked the nation and the journalism world. The exposure also of the scandal has led to the vigilant investigation of the judiciary and the Congress that eventually led to the resignation of the president. Meanwhile, it was called Watergate Scandal to pertain to the place where the break-in was made and where everything originated. The Importance of the Source In journalism, the source is an important factor in presenting credible news. Notably, journalists do not always have the necessary information on particular things, events, or people. But through sources, journalist can have unlimited access to an interesting issue, person, thing, or event, and others. In the Watergate Scandal, the young reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, would have not known about the irregular activities of the President’s men if not for the effort of a person known only as Deep Throat. Historically, the identity of Deep Throat was never revealed even after the resignation of the President Nixon. Meanwhile, in May 31, 2005, former FBI Deputy Director Mark Felt finally came out of the open and to reveal that he was the controversial â€Å"Deep Throat† (Streissguth 52). In the practice of journalism, the credibility of the source should be established. It is noteworthy that the quality of the reporting and the reports is the controlling aspect that invites people’s attention and the veracity of the news or information delivered. In addition, the readers look into the quality through the veracity of the facts and the truth presented. Remarkably, in the Watergate scandal, the source of Woodward and Bernstein hid his identity under an alias. Despite the pressure that Woodward and Bernstein received from different sectors, they never revealed their source as a means of protecting their source. In addition, there were strong denials and threats from the administration but the public believed the news journalist rather than the president and his men. Interestingly, the anonymous identity of the source was not a factor that hindered the revelation of the truth about the burglary and wire tapping activities of the President’s men. Instead, the information provided stirred the people’s anger against the administration that eventually led to the resignation of the President and the imprisonment of the President’s men. Hence, it can be observed that the identity of the source during those times was not a serious matter and did not affect the reliability and veracity of the news.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Vol. III – Direct Current Machines – Edward Spooner DIRECT CURRENT MACHINES Edward Spooner The University Of New South Wales, Australia. Keywords: Electric machines, dc motor, electromagnetic induction, Faraday's Law, commutator. Contents U SA NE M SC PL O E– C EO H AP LS TE S R S 1. Introduction 2. Magnetism and Electromagnetic principles 2. 1. Permanent Magnets 2. 2. Magnetic Field around Conductors 2. 3. Magnetic Field around a Coil 2. 4. Electromagnets 2. 5. Magnetic Strength of Electromagnets 2. 6. Electromagnetic Induction 3. Current Carrying Wires and Coils 3. . Force on a Wire in a Magnetic Field 3. 2. Force and Torque on a Coil in a Magnetic Field 4. Basic Motor Principles 4. 1. The Commutator and Motor Action 4. 2. Simplified Version of the dc Motor 4. 3. Sizes of Machines (related to Torque) 4. 4. Construction of Motors 4. 5. The Stator of a dc Machine 4. 6. Rotor 4. 7. The Commutator 4. 8. Electromotive Force (EMF) in d c Machines 5. Machine equations and circuits 5. 1. Basic Equivalent Circuit of a dc Motor. 5. 2. Direct current Motor Operation & Torque generation 5. 3 DC Machine Torque Equations 5. 4. DC Machine Equations and Speed Regulation . 5. Machine Power and Losses 6. Types of dc Machine 6. 1. Permanent Magnet 6. 2 Shunt Wound 6. 3 Separately Excited 6. 4. Series Connected 6. 5. Compound Connected Motor 7. Stepper Motors 7. 1. General 7. 2. Permanent Magnet Stepper Motors 7. 3. Reluctance Stepper Motors 7. 4. Torque – Step Rate 8. Conclusions  ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Vol. III – Direct Current Machines – Edward Spooner Glossary Bibliography Biographical Sketch Summary This chapter gives a background to the principles behind the operation of dc motors and stepper motors.Permanent magnet, shunt, separately excited, series and compound wound dc motor connections are described. A description of the equations behind the basic behavior of these machines is given and the torque vs speed and speed vs armature (voltage and current) characteristics are illustrated, which gives a background to the control of these motors. U SA NE M SC PL O E– C EO H AP LS TE S R S 1. Introduction Electrical machinery has been in existence for many years. The applications of electrical machines have expanded rapidly since their first use many years ago.At the present time, applications continue to increase at a rapid rate. The use of electrical motors has increased for home appliances and industrial and commercial applications for driving machines and sophisticated equipment. Many machines and automated industrial equipment require precise control. Direct current motors are ideal for applications where speed and torque control are required. Direct current motor design and complexity has changed from early times where dc machines were used primarily for traction applications.Direct current motors are used for vario us applications ranging from steel rolling mills to tiny robotic systems. Motor control methods have now become more critical to the efficient and effective operation of machines and equipment. Such innovations as servo control systems and industrial robots have led to new developments in motor design. Our complex system of transportation has also had an impact on the use of electrical machines. Automobiles and other means of ground transportation use electrical motors for starting and generators for their battery-charging systems.Recently there have been considerable developments in electric vehicles and also in hybrid electric vehicles which use a combination of a dc motor and an internal combustion engine for efficient operation. In this chapter machines driven by dc electrical supplies are considered. Since the operation of this type of machine is based upon the flow of current in conductors and their interaction with magnetic fields, common principles that underlie the behavior of dc machines will be examined first. 2. Magnetism and Electromagnetic PrinciplesMagnetism and electromagnetic principles are the basis of operation of rotating electrical machines and power systems. For this reason, a review of basic magnetic and electromagnetic principles will be given.  ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Vol. III – Direct Current Machines – Edward Spooner 2. 1. Permanent Magnets Permanent magnets are generally made of iron, cobalt, nickel or other ‘hard’ magnetic materials, usually in an alloy combination. The ends of a magnet are called north and south poles.The north pole of a magnet will attract the south pole of another permanent magnet. A north pole repels another north pole and a south pole repels another south pole. The two laws of magnetism are: 1) Unlike poles attract (see Figure 1); 2) Like poles repel (see Figure 2). U SA NE M SC PL O E– C EO H AP LS TE S R S The magnetic field patterns when two permanent magnets are placed end to end are shown in Figures 1 and 2. When the magnets are farther apart, a smaller force of attraction or repulsion exists. A magnetic field, made up of lines of force or magnetic flux, is set up around any magnetic material.These magnetic flux lines are invisible but have a definite direction from the magnet’s north to south pole along the outside of the magnet. When magnetic flux lines are close together, the magnetic field is stronger than when further apart. These basic principles of magnetism are extremely important for the operation of electrical machines. Figure 1: Unlike poles attract Figure 2: Like poles repel 2. 2. Magnetic Field around Conductors Current-carrying conductors, such as those in electrical machines, produce a magnetic field. It is possible to show the presence of a magnetic field around a current-carrying conductor.A compass may be used to show that magnetic flux lines around a conductor are circ ular in shape.  ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Vol. III – Direct Current Machines – Edward Spooner A method of remembering the direction of magnetic flux around a conductor is the right-hand â€Å"cork-screw† rule. If a conductor is held in the right hand as shown in Figure 3, with the thumb pointing in the direction of current flow from positive to negative, the fingers then encircle the conductor, pointing in the direction of the magnetic flux lines. U SA NE M SC PL O E– C EO H AP LSTE S R S Figure 3: Right-hand rule The circular magnetic field is stronger near the conductor and becomes weaker at a greater distance. A cross-sectional end view of a conductor with current flowing toward the observer is shown in Figure 4. Current flow towards the observer is shown by a circle with a dot in the centre. Notice that the direction of the magnetic flux lines is counter-clockwise, as verified by using the right-ha nd rule. Figure 4: Current out of the page When the direction of current flow through a conductor is reversed, the direction of the magnetic lines of force is also reversed.The cross-sectional end view of a conductor in Figure 5 shows current flow in a direction away from the observer. Notice that the direction of the magnetic lines of force is now clockwise. Figure 5: Current into the page  ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Vol. III – Direct Current Machines – Edward Spooner When two conductors are placed parallel to each other, and the direction of current through both of them is the same, the magnetic field lines amalgamate to become one and the two conductors attracted together. See Figure 6. Figure 6: Two parallel conductors U SA NE M SC PL O E– C EOH AP LS TE S R S The presence of magnetic lines of force around a current-carrying conductor can be observed by using a compass. When a compass is moved around the o utside of a conductor, its needle will align itself tangentially to the lines of force as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Field's effect on a compass When current flow is in the opposite direction, the compass polarity reverses but remains tangential to the conductor. 2. 3. Magnetic Field around a Coil The magnetic field around one loop of wire is shown in Figure 8. Figure 8: Loop of wire  ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Vol.III – Direct Current Machines – Edward Spooner U SA NE M SC PL O E– C EO H AP LS TE S R S Magnetic flux lines extend around the conductor as shown when current passes through the loop. Inside the loop, the magnetic flux is in one direction. When many loops are joined together to form a coil as shown in the Figure 9, the magnetic flux lines surround the coil as shown in Figure 10. The field produced by a coil is much stronger than the field of one loop of wire. The field produced by a coil is simil ar in shape to the field around a bar magnet. A coil carrying current, often with an iron or steel core inside it is called an electromagnet.The purpose of a core is to provide a low reluctance path for magnetic flux, thus increasing the flux that will be present in the coil for a given number of turns and current through the coil. Figure 9: Coil formed by loops Figure 10: Cross-sectional view of the above coil 2. 4. Electromagnets Electromagnets are produced when current flows through a coil of wire as shown below. Almost all electrical machines have electromagnetic coils. The north pole of a coil of wire is the end where the lines of force exit, while the south polarity is the end where the lines of force enter the coil.To find the north pole of a coil, use the right-hand rule for polarity, as shown in Figure 11. Grasp the coil with the right hand. Point the fingers in the direction of current flow through the coil, and the thumb will point to the north polarity of the coil. When the polarity of the voltage source is reversed, the magnetic poles of the coil reverse. Figure 11: Finding the north pole of an electromagnet  ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Vol. III – Direct Current Machines – Edward Spooner The poles of an electromagnet can be checked by placing a compass near a pole of the electromagnet.The north-seeking pole of the compass will point toward the north pole of the coil. 2. 5. Magnetic Strength of Electromagnets The magnetic strength of an electromagnet depends on three factors: (1) the amount of current passing through the coil, (2) the number of turns of wire, and (3) the type of core material. The number of magnetic lines of force is increased by increasing the current, by increasing the number of turns of wire, by decreasing any air gap in the path of the magnetic flux, or by using a more desirable type of core material. . 6. Electromagnetic Induction U SA NE M SC PL O E– C E O H AP LS TE S R S The principle of electromagnetic induction is one of the most important discoveries in the development of modern electrical technology. Electromagnetic induction is the induction of electric voltage in an electrical circuit caused by a change in the magnetic field coupled to the circuit. When electrical conductors, such as alternator windings, are moved within a magnetic field, an electrical voltage is developed in the conductors.The electrical voltage produced in this way is called an induced voltage. A simplified illustration showing how induced voltage is developed is shown in Figure 12. Michael Faraday developed this principle in the early nineteenth century. Figure 12: Faraday's Law If a conductor is placed within the magnetic field of a horseshoe magnet so that the left side of the magnet has a north pole (N) and the right side has a south pole (S), magnetic lines of force travel from the north pole of the magnet to the south pole.The ends of the conductor i n Figure12 are connected to a volt meter to measure the induced voltage. The meter can move either to the left or to the right to indicate the direction and magnitude of induced voltage. When the conductor is moved, the amount of magnetic flux contained within the electrical circuit (which includes the wire and the connections to the meter and the meter itself) changes. This change induces voltage through the conductor. Electromagnetic induction takes place whenever there is a change in the amount of flux coupled by a circuit.In this case the motion of the conductor in the up direction causes more magnetic flux to be contained within the circuit and the meter  ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING – Vol. III – Direct Current Machines – Edward Spooner needle moves in one direction. Motion of the conductor in the down direction causes less magnetic flux to be coupled by the circuit and the meter needle moves in the opposite directi on. The principle demonstrated here is the basis for large-scale electrical power generation.In order for an induced current to be developed, the conductor must be in a complete path or closed circuit, the induced voltage will then cause a current to flow in the circuit. 3. Current Carrying Wires and Coils The basic requirement of any electrical machine, whether ac or dc, is a method of producing torque. This section explores how two magnetic fields in a machine interact to produce a force which produces a torque in a rotating machine. U SA NE M SC PL O E– C EO H AP LS TE S R S – TO ACCESS ALL THE 34 PAGES OF THIS CHAPTER, Visit: http://www. eolss. net/Eolss-sampleAllChapter. spx Bibliography Clayton, Albert E. , Hancock N. N. [1959] â€Å"The performance and design of direct current machines. † Pitman Edwards J. D. (1991) â€Å"Electrical machines and drives : an introduction to principles and characteristics. † Basingstoke : Macmillan Fitzgerald A. E. , Kinglsey C. Jr. , (1961) â€Å"Electric Machinery† 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill. [Comprehensive text on electric machines. ] Guru B. S. , Hiziroglu H. R. , (2001) â€Å"Electric Machinery and Transformers† 3rd Edition, New York, Oxford University Press. [Good general text on electrical engineering including machines. Say M. G. (1983). Alternating Current Machines, 5th Edition, London: Pitman. [This covers the more advanced theory of electrical machines] Biographical Sketch E. D. Spooner graduated from the University New South Wales, Australia, and obtained his ME in 1965. He is currently a project leader for Australia’s Renewable Energy Systems testing Laboratory and Lecturer in Electrical Engineering. His research has covered power electronics and drives and is currently focused in renewable energy systems.  ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Gorillas in the mist (video) essays

Gorillas in the mist (video) essays ESSAY: is Dian Fossey a hero or a villain? Dian Fossey was a well-known person that was famous for saving the mountain gorillas in Africa. In my essay, I am going to include who Dian was, what she did and if she got along with the villagers. Was she a hero or a villain? Dian Fossey was an American speech therapist that worked with handy-capped children. Dain attended a conference in America about saving the mountain gorillas in Africa. Dain went to Africa to count the gorillas to see if the population of gorillas were increasing or decreasing. Dian had to leave the mountain because there was a civil war, she continued counting the gorillas after the war finished. She counts half as many gorillas as there was during the last count, which occurred 7 years before. She developed a passion for the gorillas over the weeks that she was counting them and found a technique of getting closer to the gorillas by imitate their movements and sounds. A variety of gorillas tried to protect a baby gorilla from poachers who were going to sell the baby to the zoo. The entire family of gorillas that were protecting the baby were killed. Dian brakes into the van where the baby gorilla was caged. The baby was going to die because it needed its mother. Dian nursed the baby or else she would have passed away because the gorilla frets over her mother. Dian made an agreement with the mayor to nurse the baby for the zoo, for three men to assist her to count the gorillas. Dain nursed the baby gorilla as it improved and then they received the baby gorilla from her and caged her up in the zoo. A year passed and the baby gorilla passed away because the gorilla missed Dian, after talking care of her she thought Dian was her mother. ESSAY: is Dian Fossey a hero or a villain? The poachers came again to slaughter another family for one baby. They sold the fathers hands and feet for ash treys and cut off the head. They also stabb ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Stateless Nation Essay Example

Stateless Nation Essay Example Stateless Nation Paper Stateless Nation Paper The History and Geography of Gypsies Generations of homeless wanderers known as Aroma/ Romania, or gypsies, currently traverse the vast and varied landscapes of Europe, making up one of the large SST minority groups in that realm. This research paper uses the disciplines of physical, historical a ND cultural geography to explore the migration of Romania, as well as to explain the Cohoes on of gypsy society. Unfortunately, as history will show, the story of the gypsies is one of e exploitation and persecution, a tradition that endures even to the present day. Why did God even create us, if gypsies are to live like this? asked one male g yaps, Abaca, in response to the news that he and his family were having their prop retry destroyed. This story comes out of France, and it demonstrates the major conflict between Or ma and the rest of the European community: citizenship. Government constructs and bureaucrat ICC procedures which evolved to provide security to Europeans have caught one ethnic group in a p replete limbo, keeping them ever on the move after several hundred years. Without a state t o call their own, the Aroma erect encampments wherever opportunity exists. In the case of Abaca and his friends, opportunity existed in Generalities, France. French leaders have taken a staunch opposition to the insurgence of gypsy e encampments, both for their appalling sanitary conditions and for the rising rates of crime w which accompany them. Thus, you encounter men like Abaca, whose camp now lies in upheaval after the bulldozers cleared out the shopping carts and tents that had sustained his co immunity. Turning he page on the camp in Generalities, these gypsies now have three options: they can stay in France and continue to beg. The second option is to accept a gift of 300 euros from the French government in exchange for the voluntary return of the gypsies back to Aroma Nina. The powerful poverty in Romania often makes this offer hard to accept, besides the fact that t most gypsies are not even truly from Romania, and many will prefer to stay in France, begging, or they will choose the third option: to move onto another territory, a destiny which pres .NET a very familiar flavor in the mouths of these gypsies. Where they originate and why the gypsies have lived migratory lives for so mum chi of history was once shrouded deeply in mystery, due mostly to improper record keeping. Genetic testing and linguistic research eventually lead geographers to the conclusion t hat gypsies originated in the Punjab region of India, escaping into the Balkans in the 1200 sass to avoid religious persecution. The area inhabited by the Aroma of early India was under r constant attack by Sunnis and Shiite militants from Afghanistan, and eventually a small group of the affected Indians fled west into Europe. These Indians made up the Romania Diaspora w which exploded out of southeast Asian and middle eastern ancestry, entangling with European D AN during the flight of Romania away from Punjabi. The current makeup of Europe presents pocket s of gypsies all over the region, particularly in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and the Balkan states. Leaving India did not bring bluer skies as the gypsies might have hoped, and a pattern soon emerged whereby the Aroma were being pushed out of territory after term rotors, constantly setting up and tearing down. The churches, which had once offered gypsies a room sis of safety as they traveled freely between the European territories, came to distrust the carefree immigrants, especially as they were traveling in and out of Turkey, a home to many enemy sees of the Catholic church. King Ferdinand and his wife, Queen Isabella, began passing laws in Sp main during the 14005 which forbade the free travel of Romania people. According to an essay by Amy Motor, laws in Spain between 1499 and 1 783 passed back and forth bet en aggressive and encouraging, either attempting to expel the gypsies or facilitating their sashimi action. A wave of indignity legislation rippled through the whole continent of Europe, forcing R Oman to travel hundreds of miles in search of territory where they could live and express the messes freely. Things continued on like this for centuries, and during the second World War, gypsies constituted roughly 25% of Germanys holocaust victims. A common ensconce option is that gypsies are wanderers due to a cultural calling, but this practice Stems more a accurately from the fact that gypsies were not allowed to settle. The revulsion towards gypsies comes from deep cultural differences that are often difficult to reconcile. Forced into theft because of their widespread poverty an d lack of resources, gypsies have earned a reputation as thieves who one ought to avoid. This see d of distrust blossomed into a wealth of fables and myths which depicted gypsies as main cal heathens hell-bent on disrupting the fabric of society. Storytellers and magicians, Aroma were labeled liars and witches throughout their early travels, said to spread heresy and devils AK, pulling the rug of morality out from under the feet of otherwise good and wholesome people . It was rumored hat if parents did not keep steady watch over their children, then the children n might just find themselves the victims of a kidnapping by gypsies. Further, the Aroma were a v ere tightening group wherever they wandered, increasing speculation and suspicion relative to the mystery that they let surround them. Documents which convey racist sentiments towards t he darkening Romania have also been uncovered. Centuries of hatred have ultimately culminated in the Romania doing the same thing today that they were hundreds of years ago: wandering. Without any home to call t Eire own, the gypsies are one of the largest stateless nations in Europe. An article published by the Daily Mail in 2013 cites Manuel Balls, Frances Interior minister, demanding that gypsies return to either Romania or Bulgaria after their failure to integrate into French society, and tall KS of denying these two nations of interstate passage have circulated around the countrys political sphere. The inability of Romania to integrate is due largely to the fact that they are pro habited at every avenue from the opportunity to advance in society. Gypsy children are not allowed to tend public schools without any papers, and the parents Of these children a re likewise unalloyed to find jobs. Begging earns enough to buy food in most instances, but this profession carries no illusions of being especially lucrative. Moreover, the stigmas which surround Romania cause friction still between this thoughtfully group and the rest of their Europe mean neighbors, leading to the largesse evictions and deportation methods to who ICC many p Laotians resort. Too, the Romania represent any collaboratively group of people, having no w Ritter records since their departure from India. While many outspoken individuals within the European Union have condemned the deportations for targeting a specific ethnic group, the E Us only recourse exists in threats of sanctions against the nations that impose such policies on their gypsy populations. Unlike France, there are countries that have adopted policies meant to stabilize e the Romania. Graces government created a commission to research alternatives to deporting Aroma, investigating social programs that might foster the continued growth of the gay skies to be a stable and beneficial addition to Greek society. These programs focus attention on c hillier primarily, diving headfirst into the issue of providing them with the access to education necessary to their development. Members of gypsy society are beginning to find a media present CE as well, predominantly in the musical arts. As more and more people learn about the Aroma and their heritage, this demographic becomes a more identifiable and relatable group of individuals, and this reliability will eventually inspire the empathy that is long overdue the gay skies. Bibliography 1. Heathen, Evasive. Romania Culture in America. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Cultural Center, 1985. This source looks at the blending of assimilated Reincarnations and drag conclusions from history about how certain cultural idiosyncrasies developed for the gypsies. . Herdsman, Vladimir. Romania Americans. Every culture, 2014. Web. October 2014. This one is an online source which provided many other good places to look f information. It also gives an overview of the conflicts which led to the Gypsies being pursued out of every place that they decided to call home. 4. Roomer, pericardia. Romania studies. The Gypsy Lore society, 2000. Web. Cot beer 2014. This is a source written by people who were born and raised in the current y Romania culture. It goes over the history of the Romania people, as well as providing vial able information on the state of affairs for gypsies today. 5. Government of Greece. I integrated programmer for the Social Inclusion Of Aroma : Greece. May, 2009. This source is a government document which looks at the issues faced by Or main people as they try to practice their culture across a Europe that is still largely cautious of the gypsies.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

American Perception V.S Kite Runner Perception

S went thru the most tragic, life changing, mind conflicting event of all time. On September, 11, 2001 terrorist flew two plans into the Twin Towers in New York City. The terrorist attack on 9/11 devastated and ruined an enormous amount of American lives. Weather an American lost a friend, loved one, or relative, every American lost something valuable that day. Americans lost their right to feel safe: at work, at home, or at popular locations. The last time American safety was threatened was during World War II. U. S citizens are not use to war or violence happening in their country, unlike the Middle East. Americans do not reacted positively, when tragic situation happen. Their reaction to 9/11 changed the American perception of Afghanistan and Muslim culture. Americans lost all their trust for Muslims. That lack of trust between them created a whole new stereotype. Stereotype: A general statement or word, fit to describe a specific group of people. The American stereotype created to describe Muslims is anyone who is Muslim or from the Middle East was sent to America, to destroy their wealthy non dictated, country. National Geographic Channel says,† Afghans who fled their homeland for a new life in the United States are troubled to find themselves subject to suspicion and mistrust on the basis of their nationality and religion. † Based off of this information, Muslims are all being put into one pile, stereotypically. Afghanistan man who goes by the name of Fouzia Afshari says,† We are good people, we are civilized† who volunteers at Mustafa Center, an Afghan Perreault 2 Culture Academy near Washington D. C â€Å"We are not that type of Afghan people are thinking about right now. † Fouzia Afshari is a Muslim, obviously he is not a terrorist or out to get America, the controversy is the attackers were not American. By not being American, the terrorists allowed Americans to lose trust in a whole country of people. Muslim people will have to deal with the uncertainty of ever gaining American trust back or the American perception of Afghanistan should not be based off of what a handle full of Muslims did,but based on actual facts. Khaled Hosseini book The Kite Runner portrays Afghanistan realistically V. S the American Perception. (National Geographic news website) Clearly, the American Perception of Afghanistan is a little farfetched. The perception is not based on Afghanistan or Muslim culture, but based on what a hand full of Muslims did (AKA 9/11). The terrorist attack traumatized Americans, giving them a stereotypical perception. Typically, when a person thinks of war, immediately people think of other people being shot left and right, bombs exploding everywhere. Americans think that the terrorist attack was the Middle East declaring war on them. From that point on, Americans believed that the Afghans that were not fighting U. S troops off, were all sitting at a table brainstorming how their going to attack America next. Some Americans were so devastated that they will not go anywhere near Muslims or anyone from the Middle East because of their stereotypical perception. Muslims own about 75% of the gas station and covenant stores in the United States. Americans that will not associate with Muslims will go farther out of their way for gas. Americans think that Muslims do not like Americans because of the U. S troops in the Middle East and when an American goes to a Muslim gas station, their receiving less gas. Even in an unstable economy Americans still go out Perreault 3 of there way for gas, allowing Muslims to see that Americans truly view them all as terrorist. For Afghans and Muslims it is confusing for them to understand why the America perception is so ridiculous. The perception is not only based on 9/11, it is also has to do with Americans not being given the full picture of the war in Afghanistan. The media diffidently confuses Americans. Josh Meyer stated in his article Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits † While Americans are given one media report after another about how Afghanistan is filled with exploding bombs, attacking hordes of the Taliban and a lawlessness that pervades every corner of the war torn nation, the real story is a more nuanced one. † Americans are given exaggerated reports on what’s happening in Afghanistan. The media is 100% to blame for the skewed version of the Afghanistan war Americans have. Based on that version of the war Americans make false actuation, which hurts the Afghanistan and Muslim population. (Josh Meyer) The American perception of Afghanistan upsets Muslims and makes it harder for their people to come to America. Muslims who are leaving Afghanistan are on America’s side. They are fleeing their own homeland and coming to start new in America because they do not agree with how their country is being ruined. Afghans come to America for the freedom that is taken from them in Afghanistan. Naweed an Afghan woman tells National Geographic channel â€Å"No art, no radio, no television, painting, drawing-nothing is allowed. Education for women is not allowed. Music is not allowed, they call it satanic. That’s why we are strongly working to keep our culture alive here in America. † Naweed is one of many who wants to feel at home. For Muslims America is their new homeland, but because of the American perception the majority of Perreault 4 afghans feel out of place. â€Å" I’m raising my kids here and I don’t want to feel like I don’t belong here. But, that’s what I feel here as an Afghan and a Muslim. † said Alina to the National Geographic Channel, adding: â€Å" I don’t want to lose another home. Afghans don’t want to come to America they rather live in their own country where feel at home, but they have no choice. Yet hope remains that Afghanistan will one day be in the hands of peace-loving Afghans and everyone will see the truth. (National Geographic Channel) Afghanistan was once a country where Afghans could be successful and wealthy. Th en the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Taliban was created, but took a turn for the worst and the U. S army went to help the people in Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union was defeated the Civil War still continued. The Taliban was created to go in and unify the country. The Taliban comes form the word student- that’s what it means. The Taliban is made up of students that went to religious schools in Pakistan and former fighters, who use to fight in the war against the Soviet Union. The Taliban is what made Afghanistan a terraces place to live. After the Taliban brought peace to 80% of the country, they became power hunger and started to take away Afghanistan’s freedom. Even with the Taliban dictating Afghanistan, Josh Meyer, author of Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits says, â€Å" Anyone in this room could go to Kabul now and have a fairly good time. There are restaurants and there are bars,† and the streets are not a shooting gallery with various factions trying to kill each other, while armed insurgents are also trying to U. S and coalition forces. â€Å" The Taliban Is not a very large insurgent group. † Josh Meyer is trying to inform Americans that Afghanistan is not Iraq, but it is still not a place where all Afghans can make a living. (Josh Meyer) Perreault 5 The Kite runner is the perfect example of how Afghanistan is not Iraq, but not a place where all afghans can make a living. Author Khaled Hosseini tells a story about Amir and Hassan these two Afghan boys who grew up together, but where separated by Amirs will to make his farther proud and the Soviet Union invading. Amir betrayed Hassan by watching him being raped by Asseft because Hassan was a Haraza. Guilt ate at Amir until he framed Hassan for steeling and Hassan and his father left in embarrassment. Shortly after Amir and BaBa ( Amirs farther) took a journey to America. Where Baba had to run a gas satiation and sell items he bought at a yard sale at the local flee market. Before Baba and Amir came to America they were wealthy. So wealthy that Hassan and his father were Baba servants. Afghanistan is not as poverty strict end as Americans thought it was. Amir and Baba did not come to America to destroy it, he came to America because Kabul was not safe and he hoped Amir could receives the best possible education in America. Baba and Amir were in America for two years. For those two years Baba would by a jar of fruit form the same people everyday with cash. One day Baba had no money, he wrote a check out instead. When the man asked for Id Baba exploded, â€Å"He wants to see my license? Almost two years we’ve bought his dam fruits and put money in his pocket and son of a dog wants to see my license. † Amir says, â€Å" They’re suppose to ask for Id† Baba says,† Dose he think I’m a thief? What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody. † Baba thought that the man working thought he was steeling when the man asked Baba for Id. Baba was offended. Years down the road Amir is told that Hassan died in Kabul. Hassan was shot in the back of the head because a Talian member thought him and his family where living in Amirs old house instead of in the hut outside made specifically for servants. Amir felt responsible because if he Perreault 6 and Baba would of stayed Hassan may still be alive. For Hassan he is an Afghan who should fled from Afghanistan. Amir and Baba could of stayed in Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini book portrayed Afghanistan well and realistically. (Khaled Hosseini) The American Perception of Afghanistan is not realistic or based on actual facts. The Kite Runner diffidently grasps and gives a better understanding of Afghanistan. Unfortunely, Afghans who come to America will have to deal with the mistrust Americans have towards them like Baba. The American Perception is not do to Americans not educating themselves. It is because of terrible media reports. Bergen the author of The Longest War: Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda says, â€Å" It is not being well communicated to the American public that the afghan war is nothing like the Iraq war, the media has to take responsibility for that. The differences between Afghanistan and Iraq couldn’t be more stark. † Bergen wants people to know that the media is portraying Afghanistan as a war torn place like Iraq, when they are both completely different. Afghanistan is not in as big of an up roar as the media made it. Instead of relying on the media to prove Americans with the proper information, Americans should educate themselves, stop listening to everything they hear. Also Americans should not rely on electronics and once in a while pick up a book or ask someone who is Muslim to explain what’s going on. (Bergen) American Perception V.S Kite Runner Perception S went thru the most tragic, life changing, mind conflicting event of all time. On September, 11, 2001 terrorist flew two plans into the Twin Towers in New York City. The terrorist attack on 9/11 devastated and ruined an enormous amount of American lives. Weather an American lost a friend, loved one, or relative, every American lost something valuable that day. Americans lost their right to feel safe: at work, at home, or at popular locations. The last time American safety was threatened was during World War II. U. S citizens are not use to war or violence happening in their country, unlike the Middle East. Americans do not reacted positively, when tragic situation happen. Their reaction to 9/11 changed the American perception of Afghanistan and Muslim culture. Americans lost all their trust for Muslims. That lack of trust between them created a whole new stereotype. Stereotype: A general statement or word, fit to describe a specific group of people. The American stereotype created to describe Muslims is anyone who is Muslim or from the Middle East was sent to America, to destroy their wealthy non dictated, country. National Geographic Channel says,† Afghans who fled their homeland for a new life in the United States are troubled to find themselves subject to suspicion and mistrust on the basis of their nationality and religion. † Based off of this information, Muslims are all being put into one pile, stereotypically. Afghanistan man who goes by the name of Fouzia Afshari says,† We are good people, we are civilized† who volunteers at Mustafa Center, an Afghan Perreault 2 Culture Academy near Washington D. C â€Å"We are not that type of Afghan people are thinking about right now. † Fouzia Afshari is a Muslim, obviously he is not a terrorist or out to get America, the controversy is the attackers were not American. By not being American, the terrorists allowed Americans to lose trust in a whole country of people. Muslim people will have to deal with the uncertainty of ever gaining American trust back or the American perception of Afghanistan should not be based off of what a handle full of Muslims did,but based on actual facts. Khaled Hosseini book The Kite Runner portrays Afghanistan realistically V. S the American Perception. (National Geographic news website) Clearly, the American Perception of Afghanistan is a little farfetched. The perception is not based on Afghanistan or Muslim culture, but based on what a hand full of Muslims did (AKA 9/11). The terrorist attack traumatized Americans, giving them a stereotypical perception. Typically, when a person thinks of war, immediately people think of other people being shot left and right, bombs exploding everywhere. Americans think that the terrorist attack was the Middle East declaring war on them. From that point on, Americans believed that the Afghans that were not fighting U. S troops off, were all sitting at a table brainstorming how their going to attack America next. Some Americans were so devastated that they will not go anywhere near Muslims or anyone from the Middle East because of their stereotypical perception. Muslims own about 75% of the gas station and covenant stores in the United States. Americans that will not associate with Muslims will go farther out of their way for gas. Americans think that Muslims do not like Americans because of the U. S troops in the Middle East and when an American goes to a Muslim gas station, their receiving less gas. Even in an unstable economy Americans still go out Perreault 3 of there way for gas, allowing Muslims to see that Americans truly view them all as terrorist. For Afghans and Muslims it is confusing for them to understand why the America perception is so ridiculous. The perception is not only based on 9/11, it is also has to do with Americans not being given the full picture of the war in Afghanistan. The media diffidently confuses Americans. Josh Meyer stated in his article Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits † While Americans are given one media report after another about how Afghanistan is filled with exploding bombs, attacking hordes of the Taliban and a lawlessness that pervades every corner of the war torn nation, the real story is a more nuanced one. † Americans are given exaggerated reports on what’s happening in Afghanistan. The media is 100% to blame for the skewed version of the Afghanistan war Americans have. Based on that version of the war Americans make false actuation, which hurts the Afghanistan and Muslim population. (Josh Meyer) The American perception of Afghanistan upsets Muslims and makes it harder for their people to come to America. Muslims who are leaving Afghanistan are on America’s side. They are fleeing their own homeland and coming to start new in America because they do not agree with how their country is being ruined. Afghans come to America for the freedom that is taken from them in Afghanistan. Naweed an Afghan woman tells National Geographic channel â€Å"No art, no radio, no television, painting, drawing-nothing is allowed. Education for women is not allowed. Music is not allowed, they call it satanic. That’s why we are strongly working to keep our culture alive here in America. † Naweed is one of many who wants to feel at home. For Muslims America is their new homeland, but because of the American perception the majority of Perreault 4 afghans feel out of place. â€Å" I’m raising my kids here and I don’t want to feel like I don’t belong here. But, that’s what I feel here as an Afghan and a Muslim. † said Alina to the National Geographic Channel, adding: â€Å" I don’t want to lose another home. Afghans don’t want to come to America they rather live in their own country where feel at home, but they have no choice. Yet hope remains that Afghanistan will one day be in the hands of peace-loving Afghans and everyone will see the truth. (National Geographic Channel) Afghanistan was once a country where Afghans could be successful and wealthy. Th en the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Taliban was created, but took a turn for the worst and the U. S army went to help the people in Afghanistan. When the Soviet Union was defeated the Civil War still continued. The Taliban was created to go in and unify the country. The Taliban comes form the word student- that’s what it means. The Taliban is made up of students that went to religious schools in Pakistan and former fighters, who use to fight in the war against the Soviet Union. The Taliban is what made Afghanistan a terraces place to live. After the Taliban brought peace to 80% of the country, they became power hunger and started to take away Afghanistan’s freedom. Even with the Taliban dictating Afghanistan, Josh Meyer, author of Gap between the U. S perception and reality in Iraq, Afghanistan, author posits says, â€Å" Anyone in this room could go to Kabul now and have a fairly good time. There are restaurants and there are bars,† and the streets are not a shooting gallery with various factions trying to kill each other, while armed insurgents are also trying to U. S and coalition forces. â€Å" The Taliban Is not a very large insurgent group. † Josh Meyer is trying to inform Americans that Afghanistan is not Iraq, but it is still not a place where all Afghans can make a living. (Josh Meyer) Perreault 5 The Kite runner is the perfect example of how Afghanistan is not Iraq, but not a place where all afghans can make a living. Author Khaled Hosseini tells a story about Amir and Hassan these two Afghan boys who grew up together, but where separated by Amirs will to make his farther proud and the Soviet Union invading. Amir betrayed Hassan by watching him being raped by Asseft because Hassan was a Haraza. Guilt ate at Amir until he framed Hassan for steeling and Hassan and his father left in embarrassment. Shortly after Amir and BaBa ( Amirs farther) took a journey to America. Where Baba had to run a gas satiation and sell items he bought at a yard sale at the local flee market. Before Baba and Amir came to America they were wealthy. So wealthy that Hassan and his father were Baba servants. Afghanistan is not as poverty strict end as Americans thought it was. Amir and Baba did not come to America to destroy it, he came to America because Kabul was not safe and he hoped Amir could receives the best possible education in America. Baba and Amir were in America for two years. For those two years Baba would by a jar of fruit form the same people everyday with cash. One day Baba had no money, he wrote a check out instead. When the man asked for Id Baba exploded, â€Å"He wants to see my license? Almost two years we’ve bought his dam fruits and put money in his pocket and son of a dog wants to see my license. † Amir says, â€Å" They’re suppose to ask for Id† Baba says,† Dose he think I’m a thief? What kind of a country is this? No one trusts anybody. † Baba thought that the man working thought he was steeling when the man asked Baba for Id. Baba was offended. Years down the road Amir is told that Hassan died in Kabul. Hassan was shot in the back of the head because a Talian member thought him and his family where living in Amirs old house instead of in the hut outside made specifically for servants. Amir felt responsible because if he Perreault 6 and Baba would of stayed Hassan may still be alive. For Hassan he is an Afghan who should fled from Afghanistan. Amir and Baba could of stayed in Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini book portrayed Afghanistan well and realistically. (Khaled Hosseini) The American Perception of Afghanistan is not realistic or based on actual facts. The Kite Runner diffidently grasps and gives a better understanding of Afghanistan. Unfortunely, Afghans who come to America will have to deal with the mistrust Americans have towards them like Baba. The American Perception is not do to Americans not educating themselves. It is because of terrible media reports. Bergen the author of The Longest War: Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda says, â€Å" It is not being well communicated to the American public that the afghan war is nothing like the Iraq war, the media has to take responsibility for that. The differences between Afghanistan and Iraq couldn’t be more stark. † Bergen wants people to know that the media is portraying Afghanistan as a war torn place like Iraq, when they are both completely different. Afghanistan is not in as big of an up roar as the media made it. Instead of relying on the media to prove Americans with the proper information, Americans should educate themselves, stop listening to everything they hear. Also Americans should not rely on electronics and once in a while pick up a book or ask someone who is Muslim to explain what’s going on. (Bergen)

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Democratic Party will take control of the House of Representatives Essay

The Democratic Party will take control of the House of Representatives in the 2014 election - Essay Example eelection of the Democrats four years ago came with the infamous Obamacare which was introduced by president Obama during his campaign and later made it a policy and a health care law. Through this, the government has kept the hope on its re-election come 2014 election. In a recent speech given by President Obama, it was evident that he was willing to continue supporting Americans who wanted to keep their health plans. Conversely, the recent debate pertaining to healthcare has narrowed the perceived advantages that Democratic candidates have always held over their opponents (Bernstein Para 1). In fact, some Americans have argued that the health-care law’s flubs have collaborated with the government shut down to render harsh verdict to the concerned individuals and cities in the United States. Similarly, a number of people have rubbished the current House of Representatives arguing that they do not do anything much except sending bills to the Senate and watching them as they st ruggle to keep the government stable (Bernstein Para 6). According to a representative of the Republicans, the Obamacare is argued to be the defining issue in determining whether the Democrats will take control of the House of Representatives in the elections due to be held in one year from now or not. In fact, the main controversy revolves around the president’s signature legislative in relation to administrative fumbles. Of importance to note is that, the midterm elections scheduled to be held one year from now are meant to shape how ambitious his legislative agenda can realistically be worked upon for the remaining time the Democrat might continue holding the office, the congressional investigations he might have faced and more so the changes that his presidency will have taken (O’Keefe and Kane Para 10). In this regard, it has been argued that the Democrats must require an average of I7 seats in order to retain control of the House of Representatives. Currently, the

- Concept Mapping Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

- Concept Mapping - Coursework Example Students can be given one particular topic to brainstorm on a group. They would be given one topic such as comparing and contrasting travel by air and travel by car. Air travel would come on one side and car travel on the other. In the centre would be the common benefits of both. On the extreme sides would the dissimilar characters of each. Students can be taught or evaluated using a concept map, and the teacher would be able to assess whether the student has understood the intricacies of a topic. A student could be given a drawn concept map and the student would have to place each concept under the respective heading and link them up together so that they make a logical sense. This is a process by which the student can associate various ideas and link various concepts to prior knowledge. Educational theory and cognitive psychology strong prescribe visual learning for teaching students of various age groups During a classroom presentation for a presentation in global warming, the various effects of global warming can be placed as individual icons and all the subsequent effect of each of these effects can be further linked. For example a student, can study the link between global warming and how it causes a rise in volcanoes and earthquakes. It can be used to outline a work and break the topic into headings, subheadings and generating a report. In this way the thinking process of the student can be framed, and the student can be more structured and organized and presenting an analysis or information Before students conduct a critical analysis on any topic, they have to plan how the topic should be written. This could also be useful during an evaluation or exam, where the student does not have time to write a lot but has to plan how to outline the topic into a hierarchy of headings and subheadings. Before any assignment is given to each student in a classroom, the student could be asked to use this tool and come out with an

Write an analysis of 2000 words of one of the following Hong Kong Essay

Write an analysis of 2000 words of one of the following Hong Kong films - Essay Example Moreover the martial art of Kung Fu widely acclaimed in China is found to act as a common stunt piece for many Chinese, Japanese and Hollywood films. Further observation made suggests that the Chinese martial art form, Kung Fu has earned a figure statement. With Kung Fu mostly masculine bodies with high power muscles earning a spectacular vision is mostly tied to. Thus, the martial art of Kung Fu has been associated to a body genre accompanied by heavy sound effects like shrieks and thuds. To this extent, it is found that the Chinese martial arts films are the products of a culture mix. (Hunt, 2-3). The martial arts used in the Chinese film industry in the late 1960s emanated from the tactics used by the Samurai form of Japanese Martial Art. Research made suggests that in the earlier periods of Hong Kong film industry the Chinese form of martial art drew a fictional significance to that of the western action films. Moreover it was found that the Kung Fu form of Chinese martial art was blended with other cinematic instruments such as comedy, stunt and action filled antics. Even it is observed that film stars who were previously well known for their martial art skills now using less of martial art skills and focusing on showing stunts and antics. The level of stunts used in the Hong Kong action films owes their contribution to the effect of Chinese Opera on the fighting stars. However, it is recognized that still the fighting choreography has a close resemblance to the traditional martial arts form. The Kung Fu form of martial art finds its connection to the Southern part of the Chinese republic. Northern China was more concerned with the advent of sword fighting techniques used in action films. However, the use of Kung Fu in the Hong Kong action films has helped the cinemas earn a global repute in a short span of time. The Kung Fu films

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Education in South Korea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Education in South Korea - Essay Example Yet, in this period, it has taken a back seat to short-term needs in investment priorities and has failed to receive support. Educational reform does not only entail designing a reform plan but also providing administrative/financial help and the government’s active interest and investment to support it. In an interview of two tutors fully involved in the Korean education system, it reveals many problems as well as some of the recommendations, which should be accorded to the Korean education system (OECD 2005, 38). Recommendations if implemented can achieve a perfect education system, which does not only give a burden to the parents but is also fair to the whole population. In terms of education, Korea leads in having best education parents spend. Korean parents want the best for their children and, therefore, spend a fortune just to ensure the children get the best. The wife to one of the tutors is not in the country with the children but is in the US where the children are r eceiving their education a sign that the Korean does not trust the education system of Korea themselves (Seth 2010, 195) Historically, both large and small Korean educational reforms have been already implemented. Korea is not alone in undertaking educational reform; many countries are reforming their educational systems. Educational reforms targeting the 2000s began in the early 1980s, and advanced countries tended to put a top priority on it. According to him, scientific writing and parents’ great zeal for children’s education gave the people the world’s lowest illiteracy rate and high mathematical ability, leading to the strongest competitive advantage in a labour-intensive industry,... This essay approves that the Korean educational system is now in crisis. Unfortunately, the government’s educational reforms offer no hope. Instead, students are alienated from their schools, while teachers lose their pride and happiness in teaching or are the target of reform from a low-ranking government employee. In addition, parents, who harbour great anxiety about their children’s happiness, are worried and confused, due to communications gaps and their own poor schooling. Worst of all, poor students and their parents, who should receive support from their country and society, are now being devastated by an increasingly unfair educational structure. This report makes a conclusion that education is a tool for improving society education is a process of forming a desirable human and making his or her personal, family, and social lives happy and valuable, as the individual pursues social development. All activities, organisations, and operations in education should be conducted to meet the purpose of education, or to establish an ideal human quality. Education makes a person more human-like and desirable to a society and a nation. Based on a democratic constitution designed to make people and society happy, while respecting the freedom, equality, and creativity of each person and helping them to exhibit their best competencies under equally given opportunities, education begins in most nations with free and mandatory elementary school. This is enforced through education laws, which preserve the education system and its operation.

Internal auditing, Investor accounting, The process of Remittance, Assignment

Internal auditing, Investor accounting, The process of Remittance, Reconciliation and Reporting - Assignment Example However, the 15th day may fall on a weekend or a holiday making the previous business end of the cycle known as the accounting cutoff. Reporting and remittance are necessary to be done accurately and timely (Jickling 2) Investor Accounting The investor reporting process is a bit different from the remittance process, and it is a process involving submitting of information to Penny Mac portfolio’s accounting activities. It is made up of both and interim and monthly processing. The accounting process cycle that is as earlier said from 16th to 15th determines the timing of the reports. Reporting includes all the different loan-levels apart from third party foreclosure sales and payoffs. Interim reporting is done according to the type transaction with all interim reports being done under five business days. A report once done it is reviewed for any level of discrepancies through daily checks on the databases. The discrepancies thus noted are known as edits and they are made availa ble on a daily basis to investors. Report revisions are allowed so long as they are identified as corrections in the transaction level. The reporting of transaction corrections should not be made later than four business days before the end of the accounting cycle. Remittance Investor remittance is a process that involves the initiation of transferring funds from ones Penny Mac custodial account to that of Penny Mac. The funds are remitted through GPI that is easily accessible through mobile phones or through an Investor Accounting Manager (IAM). The timing of remittances as opposed to reporting which follows the accounting cycle, remittances is based on the option selected. GPI is a third party vendor tasked with the gathering of finances on behalf of Penny Mac. The investor is provided for all portfolios with a toll-free remittance number and an identification number. Funds that are to be remitted by investors must be made available before or on the date due. Due dates might fall on a holiday or a non-working day; hence payment have to be paid on the previous business day and not  later than nine p.m. Reconciliation Reconciliation of the monthly reports gives a summary of the activities that have been processed in the accounting cycle monthly of the Penny Mac individual portfolios. The reconciliation reports thus compiled after thorough analysis are made available at the end of every month through the Service Loans applications and through an Investor Accounting Manager (IAM). This is done after the closure of all books and all the processed loan levels. The reconciliation reports thus arrived at after analysis is used in the custodial account reconciliation process. The monthly reconciliation reports to be reviewed during custodial account reconciliation process are the monthly account statement, the detailed adjustment report, and the loan reconciliation difference. The Loan Reconciliation Difference Report is a detailed summary of all the transactions t he system did not capture in the original cycle. The discrepancies are also arrived at from the daily edit reports. Monthly reconciliation reports are used in the custodial reconciliation in the following ways (U.S. Congressional Budget Office web). Firstly, the report is examined to determine any discrepancies between the Penny Mac system and the investor’s. Secondly, the investor corrects their system taking into account the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Write an analysis of 2000 words of one of the following Hong Kong Essay

Write an analysis of 2000 words of one of the following Hong Kong films - Essay Example Moreover the martial art of Kung Fu widely acclaimed in China is found to act as a common stunt piece for many Chinese, Japanese and Hollywood films. Further observation made suggests that the Chinese martial art form, Kung Fu has earned a figure statement. With Kung Fu mostly masculine bodies with high power muscles earning a spectacular vision is mostly tied to. Thus, the martial art of Kung Fu has been associated to a body genre accompanied by heavy sound effects like shrieks and thuds. To this extent, it is found that the Chinese martial arts films are the products of a culture mix. (Hunt, 2-3). The martial arts used in the Chinese film industry in the late 1960s emanated from the tactics used by the Samurai form of Japanese Martial Art. Research made suggests that in the earlier periods of Hong Kong film industry the Chinese form of martial art drew a fictional significance to that of the western action films. Moreover it was found that the Kung Fu form of Chinese martial art was blended with other cinematic instruments such as comedy, stunt and action filled antics. Even it is observed that film stars who were previously well known for their martial art skills now using less of martial art skills and focusing on showing stunts and antics. The level of stunts used in the Hong Kong action films owes their contribution to the effect of Chinese Opera on the fighting stars. However, it is recognized that still the fighting choreography has a close resemblance to the traditional martial arts form. The Kung Fu form of martial art finds its connection to the Southern part of the Chinese republic. Northern China was more concerned with the advent of sword fighting techniques used in action films. However, the use of Kung Fu in the Hong Kong action films has helped the cinemas earn a global repute in a short span of time. The Kung Fu films

Internal auditing, Investor accounting, The process of Remittance, Assignment

Internal auditing, Investor accounting, The process of Remittance, Reconciliation and Reporting - Assignment Example However, the 15th day may fall on a weekend or a holiday making the previous business end of the cycle known as the accounting cutoff. Reporting and remittance are necessary to be done accurately and timely (Jickling 2) Investor Accounting The investor reporting process is a bit different from the remittance process, and it is a process involving submitting of information to Penny Mac portfolio’s accounting activities. It is made up of both and interim and monthly processing. The accounting process cycle that is as earlier said from 16th to 15th determines the timing of the reports. Reporting includes all the different loan-levels apart from third party foreclosure sales and payoffs. Interim reporting is done according to the type transaction with all interim reports being done under five business days. A report once done it is reviewed for any level of discrepancies through daily checks on the databases. The discrepancies thus noted are known as edits and they are made availa ble on a daily basis to investors. Report revisions are allowed so long as they are identified as corrections in the transaction level. The reporting of transaction corrections should not be made later than four business days before the end of the accounting cycle. Remittance Investor remittance is a process that involves the initiation of transferring funds from ones Penny Mac custodial account to that of Penny Mac. The funds are remitted through GPI that is easily accessible through mobile phones or through an Investor Accounting Manager (IAM). The timing of remittances as opposed to reporting which follows the accounting cycle, remittances is based on the option selected. GPI is a third party vendor tasked with the gathering of finances on behalf of Penny Mac. The investor is provided for all portfolios with a toll-free remittance number and an identification number. Funds that are to be remitted by investors must be made available before or on the date due. Due dates might fall on a holiday or a non-working day; hence payment have to be paid on the previous business day and not  later than nine p.m. Reconciliation Reconciliation of the monthly reports gives a summary of the activities that have been processed in the accounting cycle monthly of the Penny Mac individual portfolios. The reconciliation reports thus compiled after thorough analysis are made available at the end of every month through the Service Loans applications and through an Investor Accounting Manager (IAM). This is done after the closure of all books and all the processed loan levels. The reconciliation reports thus arrived at after analysis is used in the custodial account reconciliation process. The monthly reconciliation reports to be reviewed during custodial account reconciliation process are the monthly account statement, the detailed adjustment report, and the loan reconciliation difference. The Loan Reconciliation Difference Report is a detailed summary of all the transactions t he system did not capture in the original cycle. The discrepancies are also arrived at from the daily edit reports. Monthly reconciliation reports are used in the custodial reconciliation in the following ways (U.S. Congressional Budget Office web). Firstly, the report is examined to determine any discrepancies between the Penny Mac system and the investor’s. Secondly, the investor corrects their system taking into account the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Plato on Justice Essay Example for Free

Plato on Justice Essay Platos interpretation of justice as seen in ? The Republic is a vastly different one when compared to what we and even the philosophers of his own time are accustomed to. Plato would say justice is the act of carrying out ones duties as he is fitted with. Moreover, if ones duties require one to lie or commit something else that is not traditionally viewed along with justice; that too is considered just by Platos accounts in ? The Republic. I believe Platos account of justice, and his likely defense against objections are both clear and logical, thus I will endeavor to argue his views as best as I can. Platos view of justice ties in with his view of a perfect world. In Platos ideal world, the society would be a wise one, wise in understanding that their own position in society is just. This society in turn, must carry out their duties fitted to them by their position. Unfortunately the real world does not function in that manner, Plato understanding that ? fault with society tells us that if the society is lacking wisdom, the most wise ones would be philosophers, (473d) and society should consider them to be the authority. Plato believes that being just is so innately important that everyone is better off being just than unjust, no matter the situation. Plato in 360e-362d uses Glaucon to make this point, Glaucon asks who is better off? The just or the unjust, given the premises that the unjust man is rich, famous, respected, and powerful and that the just man is poor, defamed, and lives a life of suffering. Platos only real way to answer this is to prove that justice is innately good and that injustice is innately evil; simply prove the poor, defamed man happy and the rich, respected unjust man unhappy. Plato goes about this by explaining what justice is; justice has to do with doing what is right, and there exists some specific virtue in everything, which enables it to work well. If it is deprived of that nature, in contrast it would suffer. It is much the same with the soul, the soul must also perform its specific virtue. The more virtuous, or ? just a soul is, the happier the soul is. The happier the soul is, the happier the person is. Therefore a just man lives happily and well, whereas an unjust man would not. This argument follows the a=b b=c therefore a=c argument form. Another objection, brought about by a radical and different theory of Justice is brought up by Plato in a conversation between Socrates and Thrasymachus. In this argument Thrasymachus defines justice as in the interest of the stronger. This basically means that justice belongs in the hands of the rulers, and that the rulers are whoever is stronger, therefore getting to a ruling position. Laws are then made, based on the ruling partys interest, and only theirs. Those who violate such created laws, will get punished for breaking the law and so on and so forth. Socrates completely disagrees with this theory of justice and gives the analogy of a physician who is studying and exercising his power is in fact doing so in the interest of his patients, not himself. In the same manner, the government will do what is in the interest of the people, and not of itself. Some unanswered objections that may come up against Platos idea of justice may target the part where he believes that philosophers are the only qualified individuals to run his ideal society. Plato believes that philosophers have knowledge, I pose a scenario where there are no more philosophers, perhaps because of a philosopher massacre, or one where there is simply nobody wise enough. One can easily make the argument that since philosophy is dealing with the same questions for the past 2500 years, that we are actually not wise, and in fact quite the opposite. I believe that for the most part, Plato has a successful account of justice. Platos criticism of then present theories of justice and his defense against the xxxxxx theories make sense logically. Furthermore, Plato was ages ahead of his time by arguing for equal rights among men and woman when concerning the guardians, unlike Aristotle who got almost everything wrong and most likely set philosophy and other sciences back centuries, I believe Plato was ages ahead of his time in understand that men and women are equal in at least the ? capacity to understand reality and make reasonable judgments about it. (454d) However; just that fact does not lead to a proper defense against arguments. One thing a reader may have a problem is that Plato seems to be showing a little Heidegger by alluding to a dictatorship which are ruled by the wise, namely, philosophers. Even if such a Nazi and Communist-esque dictatorship were to be implemented, I fear it would hit the same brick wall that other dictatorships face, the people will not sit idly by while they are told what to do. I believe that leads to a larger problem. Plato seemingly wants to hint more and more at an innate knowledge which includes justice, or if the person does not have this innate knowledge he can be taught in society: knowledge and the just thing to do. I believe this poses a problem for Plato, if society innately knows the correct thing to do, but does not do it, then this is contradictory with the definition of justice Plato wants for us. And if there is one thing philosophers have insisted upon over time is that there are no contradictions. In its defense; I do not know of any philosophical questions that have a complete answer, otherwise there would be no more philosophy. Even with the possible shortcomings, Plato argues his justice logically, and uses Glaucon and Adeimentus well, to show the strengths of his arguments.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Ethiopian Revenue And Customs Authority Erca Accounting Essay

The Ethiopian Revenue And Customs Authority Erca Accounting Essay Introduction The Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA) conduct customs operations under the mandates given to it by proclamation Number 622/2009. A number of regulations and directives issued by the Council of Ministers and Ministry of Revenue also govern its operations. An examination of the Customs Proclamation and its supporting regulations and directives shows that except in the valuation of used goods and vehicles, it is consistent with the WTO Valuation Agreement. This is commendable if we take into consideration that it was issued before Ethiopia even became a member of the WTO. Country Experiences on Used Car Valuation Ethiopia Directive No.6/1996 (E.C.), on Used Vehicles and Goods Valuation and calculation of duties and taxes was issued by the former Ministry of Revenues (MoR), a predecessor of the current Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA), with the stated objective of making the valuation system of used vehicles and goods a transparent, equitable and accountable one. It provides that the customs value of used vehicles and goods is to be based on the C.I.F. price of the good or identical or similar goods when it was bought as new. A depreciation allowance of 10 percent per year, with a maximum allowance of 30 percent is then deducted to arrive at the customs value. This means that for all vehicles and goods which are more than 3 years old at the time of importation 70 percent of the original selling price is used as the customs value of such goods. ( Directive No.6/1996 E.C.) It is quite clear that the above discussed valuation method does not conform to the methods of the Agreement on Impleme ntation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994). Furthermore, it cannot be considered even under Article 7 of the Agreement which provides for a fall-back method of valuation because (i) the directive does not apply the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994) valuation methods sequentially but automatically uses an alternative method of depreciation allowance it devised, and (ii) it does not follow valuation methods laid down in Articles 1 through 6 of the Agreement , albeit with a reasonable flexibility, as stipulated under Annex I , Note to Article 7 , Paragraph 1 to 3 of the Interpretive Note of the Agreement. In addition, the 10 percent annual depreciation rate and the maximum allowed depreciation of 30 percent of the original price clearly do not reflect to prevailing market prices of used vehicles in the markets from which they are imported. Canada Memorandum D13-10-2 Used Automobiles, Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Other Vessels of Canada (2001, pp 2) outlines and explains the manner in which the value for duty of used automobiles and motor vehicles and boats and other vessels is to be determined. Where a vehicle or boat, new or used, is imported within 30 days of the date of delivery to the purchaser, it will be valued for customs purposes using the purchase price as the basis for establishing a transaction value. A valid sale for export to Canada is considered to have occurred, and any use of the vehicle or boat prior to importation will be regarded as being incidental to delivery of the vehicle or boat to Canada. If the requirements of section 48 of the Customs Act of Canada (1985), (which is the transaction value method, are not met the value for duty must be determined under one of the subsequent methods of valuation applied in the sequential order provided for in the sections 49 to 53 of the Act. (Canada Customs Act, 1985) For imported used vehicles which are not sold for export to Canada, (ibid) importers may declare a value for duty by referencing used vehicle valuation guides published in the country of export, which list retail sales values for vehicles in average condition. These values indicate the amount any purchaser can expect to pay for the vehicle, whether purchased for use in the country of export or for export to Canada. (Memorandum D13-10-2, 2001; pp. 3) In cases where the importer is unable to provide a value from a neutral source in the country of exportation, customs will use, as its primary reference, the retail sales value listed in the Canadian Automobile Red Book Official Used Car Valuations (Memorandum D13-10-2, 2001; pp. 4). An amount for Canadian duties and taxes, using the duty and tax rates applicable at the time of importation of the goods being appraised, will be deducted from the published listed value, in a flexible application under section 53, of the deductive value method of section 51. (Memorandum D13-10-2, 2001; pp.4) The above discussed used car valuation experience of Canada fully conforms to the methods of valuation of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994). If the requirements of the transaction value method are not met, the value for duty must be determined under one of the subsequent methods of valuation applied in the sequential order which makes it fully consistent with Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994). Article 7 of the Agreement which provides for a fall-back method of valuation is considered when the other methods of valuation cannot be used. Under this method, used vehicle valuation guides are used which consistent with Article 7 of the Agreement. 2.3 Australia The Transaction Value Method: According to the Australian Customs Notice (1998), the Customs value of new or second hand privately imported motor vehicles or motor cycles will ordinarily be calculated using the transaction value method. Under this method the Customs value is based on the price actually paid or payable for the vehicle or cycle in a bona fide sale where the price is not influenced by any other factors such as related party transaction. This method will be used where the importer can show that the vehicle or cycle was purchased to be exported to Australia. (Australian Customs Notice, 1998) Similarly, as stipulated in the Notice (ibid), the transaction value method is not used when: The road vehicle has been purchased overseas at only a token or nominal price Between the date of purchase of the road vehicle and its subsequent exportation to Australia its value has altered due to the following occurring: the addition of accessories, fittings or options, major restoration, modifications or any improvements to the road vehicle made after its purchase; or the road vehicle has depreciated due to wear and tear caused by usage before exportation, an example of this that during the 12 month period of ownership and use required to obtain a permit to import the road vehicle was subject to normal usage which added additional mileage and depreciation to the vehicle; Where any of the above situations have occurred, the Transaction value method cannot be used and an Alternate Methods of determining the customs value will be considered. Customs and Border Protection experience has shown that the majority of road vehicles imported cannot be valued using the Transaction value method because they were not purchased solely for export to Australia or the vehicle has depreciated since purchase due to use. (Australian Customs Notice, ibid ). Alternate Methods of Valuation: When the transaction value method cannot be used to determine Customs Value, the alternate methods of valuation, as set out in Section 159 of the Australian Customs Act will be applied in sequential order. There are several alternate methods to determine the customs value of privately owned road vehicle. The Fall-Back Deductive method is the most appropriate method for establishing the customs value of privately imported road vehicles when it is unable to be determined using the previously mentioned methods. This method is based on the value of the road vehicle at the Australian wharf. The value is established by referring to an expert appraisal. ( Australian Customs Notice, ibid ). In this context, the expert appraisal should provide a cost for the road vehicle as it has been appraised at the point of importation. The appraisal will include any modifications or accessories that have been made or added to the road vehicle prior to its importation to Australia but not any changes to the vehicle that will be required after importation. Once the Australian landed cost has been satisfactorily established, certain deductions will be made by Customs and Border Protection. The value so determined will be the customs value which will be used to determine the customs duty and GST payable. (Australian Customs, ibid ). Another issue to consider is the circumstances where the application of the depreciation method is not appropriate. Certain models and makes of cars enjoy a particular status in the collector market. As an example, certain cars appreciate in value as they become valued as collector or classic and vintage cars. It is not unusual for such cars to be worth much more than the price when sold new. In these cases, it will be necessary to establish a value, where the declared transaction value is doubted, through the use of specialized publications or auctions results, in the country of export. (Australian Customs Notice, ibid ). The used car valuation experience of Australia fully conforms to the methods of valuation of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994). The Customs value of new or second hand privately imported motor vehicles or motor cycles will be calculated using the transaction value method. This method will be used where the importer can show that the vehicle or cycle was purchased to be exported to Australia. When the transaction value method cannot be used to determine Customs Value, the alternate methods of valuation, will be applied in sequential order. Expert appraisal of used vehicles is used to assess the customs value. This method is consistent with Article 7 of the Agreement which provides for the Fall-Back method. Analysis of the Case Study An owner/ importer, a resident of Country I and a car collector, imported a vehicle from Country E. The owner / importer bought the car from a secondhand car dealership owned by the employer of his brother, which indicate the possibility of a related party transaction. According to Article 15 Paragraph 4 (h) of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994), persons are deemed to be related if they are members of the same family. Since the importer is a brother of the employee working at car dealership there is a relation. The question is whether this relation can affect the transaction value. Since the brother of the importer is only an employee and not an owner of the car dealership, there is no possibility for him to influence the price actually paid or payable. The case study indicated that the make and model of the car bought by the importer was not previously imported into Country I. Therefore, no previous transaction values of identical or similar goods could be found. Where no transaction value could be determined under the transaction value method of Article 1 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994), for the goods being valued, it is necessary to consider a transaction value previously accepted by Customs for identical goods, as the goods being valued. If a customs value cannot be determined using the identical goods valuation method of Article 2 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994), then the next step is to seek a transaction value previously accepted by Customs for similar goods as the goods being valued. Since there is no previously accepted identical or similar goods value, the identical and similar goods valuation methods, which presuppose the prior importation of the same make and model of the vehicle being imported, cannot be used. The transaction for Customs valuation purposes must be the sale for export to the country of importation. There must therefore have actually been a transfer of ownership resulting in the exportation of the goods to the country of importation. The case study shows that the importer had used the car in the Country of export prior to importation. Therefore the car is not purchased by the importer in the context of a sale for export to Country I. As shown in the experiences of other countries above, regarding the valuation of used goods and vehicles, if a vehicle after being purchased in the country of export is used in the country of export prior to importation, the transaction value method of valuation cannot be used because the value of the vehicle is altered. Therefore, this fact precludes the possibility of using the transaction value method of valuation. Another fact which is indicated in the case study is that, prior to export; the car had been stored and transported in the country of export. According to Article 8 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994) there are costs which are added to the price actually paid or payable. The incorporation of Article 8 of Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 additions on the transaction value, presupposes that the method of valuation used is the transaction value method. If the transaction value method of valuation is not used, the cost associated with the storage and transportation of the car in the country of export cannot be added because alternative valuation methods are used. The case study also shows that the importer presented to customs an appraised value of $ 40,000 assessed by an insurance company in the country of import. The Australian experience shows, the expert appraisal should provide a value for the road vehicle as it has been appraised at the point of importation. Therefore, appraised values in the country of importation can be acceptable. What is doubtful in this case is, whether the appraised value by an expert from an insurance company can be considered an independent appraisal and therefore can be used by Customs. The appraisal by insurance company cannot be independent from the importer and cannot be acceptable by Customs. The other point is that, the appraised value for insurance purposes may differ from an appraised value for customs purposes, in which case the appraised value by an expert from an insurance company cannot be acceptable. Therefore, the rejection of the appraised value by customs is correct. As indicated in the case study, during inspection by customs, a Country E car dealership receipt amounting to $ 80,000 made out to the importer was found in the glove-compartment of the car. Assuming the receipt is for the same make and model of the car purchased by the importer, the question to be asked is, whether the customs value of the vehicle can be based on the invoice. As indicated earlier, the vehicle had been used after purchase in the country of export. Therefore, the value of the vehicle had been altered which leads us to explore other valuation methods other than the transaction value method. Chapter 5 under the General Annex of the revised Kyoto Convention states that, the amount of security to be deposited to be kept at reasonable levels and therefore, ensure that they are not used for punitive purposes. The Customs administrations determine how much security is needed. The amount of security has to be as low as possible, and, in respect of payment of duties and taxes, is not to exceed the amount potentially chargeable. Therefore, according to the Revised Kyoto convention, the amount of security to be deposited to clear goods under protest is determined by Customs not by the importer. The information provided in the case study indicates the potential to be collected is $ 12,000 based on the receipt price of $80,000. Security amount of $ 12,000 does not exceed the amount potentially chargeable. Therefore, the action taken by Customs is consistent with the Revised Kyoto Convention. Summary and Conclusion 4.1 Summary The importer had used the car in the Country of export prior to importation. If a vehicle after being purchased in the country of export is used in the country of export, the transaction value method of valuation cannot be used because the value of the vehicle is altered. Therefore, this fact precludes the possibility of using the transaction value method of valuation. The make and model of the car bought by the importer was not previously imported into Country I. Therefore, the value of the vehicle cannot be determined using the identical goods and the similar goods valuation methods as well as the deductive value method, which presuppose the prior importation of the same make and model of the vehicle being imported or the reselling of the imported car. The case study indicated that the car is imported by a collector which shows that it is not for reselling. The information required to substantiate production costs will normally be held by the seller/manufacturer and therefore is unlikely to be immediately available to the buyer in the country of importation. Also, it is unlikely that the importer will be able to obtain this information unless he/she is related to the seller or has a long term trusting relationship/association. In addition it will not be possible to establish the cost of production of the imported vehicle in the condition in which it is imported. Therefore, it is not possible to establish the value of the used vehicle using the computed value method. The importer presented to customs an appraised value of $ 40,000 assessed by an insurance company in the country of import which was rejected by customs. Appraised values in the country of importation can be acceptable. Since the appraised value was assessed for the purpose of insurance which may differ from an appraised value for customs purposes, the appraised value by an expert from an insurance company cannot be acceptable. The invoice value of $80, 000 which was found by Customs inspectors in the glove compartment of the car could not be accepted as transaction value, because according to the Australian Custom experience, if the vehicle is used prior to exportation to Australia the initial transaction value of the vehicle will be altered due to wear and tear as a result of usage. 4.2 Conclusion For the valuation of imported goods using the fallback method, three principles must be adhered to the customs value must be determined using reasonable means; these means it must be consistent with the principles and general provisions of the    Agreement; as much as possible the customs value must be determined on the basis of data available in the country of importation. However, this need not be taken as ruling out the use of information from other countries. Consequently, the origin of such information does not prevent its use for the purposes of Article 7 of the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, provided that the information is available in the country of importation and Customs is in a position to check that it is true and accurate. Therefore, one of the following two alternative ways can be used to determine the value of the vehicle with consultation between the Customs administration and the importer for exchange of information. The Fall-Back method is the most appropriate method for establishing the customs value of privately imported road vehicles when it is unable to be determined using the other methods of valuation. In the case of Australia, the value is established by referring to an expert appraisal. Therefore, using an appraised value conducted by an expert appraiser independent from the importer is appropriate. The other Fall-Back method, to be used is the used vehicle valuation guides published in the country of export, which lists retail sales values for vehicles in average condition. These values indicate the amount any purchaser can expect to pay for the vehicle, whether purchased for use in the country of export or for export to other countries. This neutral source of information is another way of assessing the value consistent with CVA.